Thursday, 21 February 2013

Dinner party

I did a quizz in which I had to invite 3 people (live or dead) for dinner. I chose to invite Célestine my cousin, a person born in Antartica and Charlemagne, a French emperor.

Why did I invite those three people ? 

  • I invited the person born in Antartica because I would love to know how life in Artatica is.  
  • I invited Charlemagne because he was known as the "Empereur à la barbe fleurie" and I would like to see the flowers in his beard. 
  • I invited my cousin because I am always happy to see her. 

Now it is your turn. Who would you invite to a dinner party ? 



  1. I am also happy to see you !

  2. What a good idea !
    I'd like to invite Victor Hugo : he would say poetry after dinner.
    Alexandre Dumas : he would tell the Three Musketeers adventure (I love that book), and give advice about what we eat (he wrote a food dictionary).
    And I would like to invite Catherine Cornet, who was my grand mother's mother, to know her.
    And then... oh, what a pity I have only three guests !

  3. I wonder which guests Célestine would invite ? Surely Zoë, maybe Caroline Quine who wrote many Alice's adventures ? And then ?

  4. I don't know...
